I have demonstrated to you all the many new changes that have taken place throughout the courses of the years on the Nintendo Game Boy Color, the Game Boy Advance SP, the DS Lite, and finally the New DSi. The main purpose of this was to prove that advancements in technology do play a major role in our lives, even when it comes to game devices...Because of the upgrade in technology, our latest Nintendo DSi features not only fun/educational games, but a camera, music player, and a voice recorder as well. It's a complete package!!! With the fast pace of technology and science, who's to know what the future Nintendo system will look like or feature. What do you think might be added??
Thank You for Listening!!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Social Media Revision??

I don't know whether to consider this a revision of my social media project, but then again, I did make minor changes. Before, I hadn't downloaded my Myspace presentation to my blog, and so now it's definitely there. Minor changes that I made are adding a path to my presentation so that it makes it easier for the person to jump right into the next subject without getting lost or confused, and I also zoomed in on important phrases/features of Myspace that were too small, and difficult to read from before. That's pretty much it, it wasn't a lot because I felt as though I covered just about everything on Myspace, so for anyone who hasn't seen it yet..you're more than welcome to check it out..Thanks!
Amelia Caycoya speaks about the upgrade of the portable Nintendo game systems

Amelia Caycoya presents two technology items known as the Nintendo Gameboy Color and the Nintendo DS Lite. Caycoya compares the similarities of the two, as well as their differences. To make it engaging for her audience, she brings in the two actual devices along with games to prove its amazing updrade.
Friday, December 4, 2009

For my Ted Talk presentation, I've decided to compare the old Nintendo Gameboy Color with the new improved Nintendo DS. This idea literally came out of no where, but I'm actually looking forward to presenting it to my audience. My image strategy will consist of video clips, images, and the actual mini systems brought into class...kinda like "Show & Tell" lol... There have been so many changes with this system within the years, and I'm interested in sharing these new changes with all of you..Wish me luck..
Myspace it is...
For our social media project, I've decided to present the Myspace website. The reason why I chose this website out of Facebook, Flickr, Second Life, Twitter etc... is because I find Myspace to be unique, and much more interesting/exciting. I must also admit that Myspace was one of my first social media websites that I had ever created an account with besides AIM. I made plenty of friends on this website including many that I had personally knew from school or elsewhere. I was obsessed with new comments and messages. I took a long time when it came to finding a pretty layout for my page. Adding music to my page was a plus because the music that I displayed on my page always expressed how I was feeling at the moment. I can even remember the first time when I created my first Myspace account, and my brother and I didn't go to sleep until 4 in the morning trying to hook up our page..I know what your're thinking...We're crazy right..Certainly good times. Anyway, Im going to be posting my Myspace presentation to my blog. In the presentation, you will see different features that represent the many things that you can do on Myspace such as personalizing your layout, adding more than one song to your page, adding friends, commenting on your own page or the page of others (this includes commenting on photos too), blogging, your mood status etc... Anyway, hope yous find it interesting..See ya!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
"Social Objects"

The other day in class, we viewed a video on Jyri Engeström. Jyri, who works with google, had some very engaging information to say about the social media/social objects. He talked about the many different websites such as Facebook and Youtube, and how these websites tend to have an impact in our lives whether it be for a positive or negative reason. He basically brings to attention how these are all sources that connect us to everyone and everything. As much as people want to rid theirselves from this social media, it is quite a difficult task to accomplish for the fact that these social objects are irresistable. The only way that a person could actually isolate theirselves from these mobile/technology devices is if they are locked in a room for good because once they get out of that room...they'll be back to being connected with the social media once again. Hard to say, but social media is everywhere people...DEAL WITH IT!
Friday, October 23, 2009
*Social Media*
Ok, so in class the other day we discussed the topic of social media. We all basically came to the conclusion that social media tends to have a major impact on many people throughout the world. One of the many social networking sites that are being searched everyday are Wikipedia, Myspace, Facebook, Youtube etc... I actually find it crazy, scary, and interesting all at the same time about how the internet has surfaced its way to the top in the communications charts. I remember during my childhood years of when I started commincating with people through the computer, and that was when AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) was popular at the time. From that moment on, I was introduced to other social search engines that led me to comminicating with family and friends, and friends of friends. We meet so many people through social media, and little by little it begins to grow on us until we're hooked. As much as it has a major impact in our lives, social media does indeed have its ups and downs. It could benefit us as far as searching for a career, and getting in touch with people that we know, but then the cons about it is that the same way it could make us, it could certainly break us, Example: The Starwars kid (he dropped out of highschool). Anyway, I just want to sum it up by saying that I Love the Social Media, it serves a good purpose for many of us, and it is a great way to get updates with what takes place in the world. Adios!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Watch the Video Below
My Group video on BEAUTY is finally up just as I promised. Please watch and Enjoy. If you would like a further insight on our film..a few blogs down titled "You Are Beautiful" will tell you everything that yous are curious about. See ya!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
You Are Beautiful :)
Hey..I just want to start off by saying that I am very pleased and satisfied with how my groups project about "Beauty" came out to be...I LOVE IT!!! My team members and I did an awesome job in gathering and combining all of our videos and pictures into a master piece lol. Our film included pics and videos about things that we all thought were BEAUTIFUL..in the beginning of the film, we show pics of celebrities, rich mansions and cars which basically asks the question of whether that is really considered beautiful compared to the everyday people and environment that surround us on a daily basis which is why we also showed pics. of ordinary people and pics. of nature, along with personally recorded videos of Philadelphia in City Hall, the Love Park, China Town, Houses in Fishtown (North Philadelphia), Saint Joe's Property etc.. Anyway, I also want to say Good Job to the other groups success with their film..they were all different and interesting in their own way :) Well that's about it, If anyone would like to see my groups video on BEAUTY, it's on Kai's blog..Please give me time to post the video on my blog, as it will be up for everyone to see soon on my page. ENJOY YOUR BREAK!!!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Xtra COOL!

XtraNormal.com is an interesting site that gives us the opportunity to be creative and create our own digital movie. This means that we even get to create the words that comes out of the characters mouth, and add some cool, funny sound effects that sort of make the film come to life. The other day in class, we viewed everybody's film in class, and I must admit that they each were quite awesome and funny in their own way. My groups video had the film that showed two people who were supposed to be conversating, but instead only one person was doing all the talking which was not fun to look at, but for some reason people seemed to laugh every now and then, so it did make me feel a bit better, Thanks Guys!!! Anyway, our group is hoping to edit the film so that we can actually have two people conversating with one another instead of one, and then we're looking forward to putting it on display on Blogger. That's about it!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Update!!!
Hey everyone, so this blog is basically going to describe the status of my group's Digital Story Telling project and obviously I'm going to re-introduce what it's going to be on. The dramatic question that my group has decided on is "What is beauty?". Our goal is to set up a video that captures different aspects of our society, and to gather it all up into one piece, and from there we will determine which of those aspects of our society are considered beauty, and which are not. The topic itself is deep because many people have there own views of what they classify as beauty. It's crazy because things or people that we may look at as unappealing to the eye, others will think the complete opposite, and that is why I believe that this topic is interesting, and engaging. As of right now, we are mapping out what we want our video to look like, but we still need to adjust some other areas within our project that our group is working on, so hopefully we come up with a solution soon. Other than that, we should be fine. Kaitlin and I are working on gathering photos and famous quotes, while Kai will edit the images into a video. Once we actually do present our rough digital telling story, we would greatly appreciate your honest feedbacks on how our project could be improved. Thanks a ton!!! & Good Luck with your projects as well.
Friday, September 25, 2009
"The Conversations" Walter Murch

When reading the first section of "The Conversations" book, many new interesting facts about "movie editing" were revealed. Walter Murch was given the idea by a friend to do a remake on the movie Acropolis, which he also took part in when the movie first came out in the 70's. If taken into consideration, this proposal would certainly have to consist of improving the graphics of the film, along with unique sound effects that would make it engaging for all who sees it. Seeing that this remake movie was originally made years ago, one would think it would probably be a lot easier because of the fact that the plot of the movie would still be the same from before, but that's not the case. From editing a film comes great responsibility; a lot of critical thinking is required in order so that the film turns out with better quality, and this is exactly what Walter Murch incorporated into the film. Our standard audience usually watches movies from an audience perspective, and they perhaps rarely never think about the concept of how that movie became a part of the media. Just by reading the troubles, and hardwork that editors have to put up with has truly opened my eyes, and has made me more appreciative of all movies. I now will take into mind these insights of "film editing" whenever I watch a movie. To sum it up, I'll end this blog with a quote that I found appealing to my eyes, stated in the very beginning of this book in the "Introduction" section, "It is hard for any person to believe that only one man or woman makes a film," (Michael Ondaatje, The Conversations: Walter Murch and the Art of Editing Film).
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
My Blog Critique

Use of Media: My blogs do not yet contain any images, but I do provide a link in one of my blogs that I think relates to the media. I also have not yet taken the time to post a video. One of my blogs had to do with websites that I checked out from time to time that actually included blogs, and I definitely left a link for others to go check it out. It's about celebrity makeovers. I did mention the movie "Matrix" in one of my blogs, but I didn't put a link for others to check out details of the video.
Scan Ability: I believe that some of my blogs are intimidating chunks that are engaging, but I also feel as though that some of my other blogs are skimmable. As far as whether my entries are portioned out into clear defined areas, I think I could certainly make an improvement in that area.
Design: Well in my opinion, I do like the design of my site, but to be honest, I plan on changing it just because I saw another person's site who had the same exact design. My site is light green with polka-dots. The text, font and size are definitely readable, well at least to me they are. I have no type of noise on my site so therefore that's an issue that I dont have to worry about for now. I don't think my entries contain needless words. I try to make my tag lines descriptive and engaging, but I guess there's no shame in making the titles more eye catching. I actually do find my blogs to be clear and reasonable, I've gotten several comments from other students that also agreed on my views about certain things. I think that my site is organized well, I wouldn't necessarily say that I'm a pro because I'm new to all this blogging stuff, but I'm not bad, either. My blogs are absolutely appropriate for everyone to read.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Cool Websites!!!
On Friday our class watched as our professor went through some really cool, interesting, entertaining websites that were just amazing, well really I thought the last one was amazing lol. Anyway, the last site had the most significance to me because apparently it connected with its viewer right from the beginning. While your viewing the website, each page that you come across is like a different stage in your life that you've already encountered or are hoping to experience. For example, the site asked us about what kind of engine would we prefer in our car, and we had to choose between the three animals such as a cheetah, horse, and deer look alike, and of course everyone agreed to the cheetah engine (Super Fast!!!). Aside from what kind of engine we wanted, each of the animals that we had to choose from looked almost exactly as the ones in real life, and on top of that, the noises and movements that they each made were identical as the ones in reality as well. In general, the creators of this website did more than a fantastic job on it, it seems well updated with all the cool sounds, styles, and movement techniques that it has. I would recommend it to anyone to watch, after all, if you want to know what car suits you the best, take their individual personality test and get your results today. Good Luck!!!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ok, so yesterday in my communications class, we watched two clips of the Ted Talk that dealt with the topic of creativity. The first clip was presented with the host , Sir Ken, who I actually find very entertaining and interesting at the same time. His talk about creativity went into details about how when we are first introduced to the world as newborn babies, we are automatically instilled with creativity. It is through the educational activities in our childhood, and adolescence that our parents put us in that take that drive away from being creative, and from children being children. I completely understand this because parents do at times tend to want to keep their children busy with school work which I can understand because they want a good life for their kids, but at the same time, you don't want to bore the children to death. Mixing some of their activities with arts, music and dance could actually improve their studies even more because it could in some way relate. The other Ted Talk was with the host Elizabeth Gilbert, though her talk about creativity was a bit different. She spoke about how when she was younger that she had always wanted to be a writer, but that many people pressured her about her work, and basically gave her no hope. With that fear that they had instilled in her, she was skeptical about her writing, however she didn't give up, and eventually she fulfilled her dreams about being a writer. I also agree with the message that she was trying to convey because in reality people do try to form as obstacles in your way, and tell you what you can or can't do. The truth is that only you know what you are capable of doing, and if dancing, music, art, writing, acting...is what truly defines you, then go for it all the way. "Dreams are real, and all you have to do is just believe in.." (Quote by Ashanti)
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
What a Surprise!!!

So apparently, I didn't know what the main purpose of blogs were for. As far as trying to figure out what it actually was, really did me no good because I only had made one attempt, and did not quite understand what exactly a blog was. Anyway, I just recently found out that a website that I tend to go on every now and then is actually considered a blog. It's basically about the celebrity makeovers, and it's website which I just found after having a hard time is: http://makeovers.ivillage.com/new-look/0,,9lk1rtvx,00.html. I find this site quite interesting and entertaining because of the comparisons of the many different looks that celebrities had from back in the day to the present. Some made drastic changes in their appearance, you probably would not recognize them, well no, actually I'm lying because who wouldn't recognize a celebrity visiting their town, but anyway, the point is that they just look different from when they first stepped into stardom. Lol Definitely check it out if you're curious, you might even see one of your own favorite celebrities in either a cool or wicked look. Enjoy!!!
Friday, September 4, 2009
Video Clips Review..

As far as the video clips that we viewed in class, I just think that it is pretty scary and insane all at once. Basically, everything that we live by or mainly use will be runned by a machine or a "robot". This kind of brings me back to to the hit movie, the "Matrix," where every single individual was controlled by a machine, and the people failed to notice what the reality was. What really grasped my attention in the video clips was that as each year went by even to the point where it reached to the future, more and new technology was being created and installed throughout the universe. Every electronic device was literally upgraded to the highest degree. Items such as the "Internet TV" had been invented for the future which is awkward because these are things that I never knew would be transformed in a whole new way. This just gets to show us the potential of technology, and how far it can go. In general, it has made me to wonder if the future will really be that way, such as companies buying other companies for the sake of the "Second Life," which is not considered real, but then again, it is considered real in its own way. I just pray that whatever is to come for the future, may it be something positive.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
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