So apparently, I didn't know what the main purpose of blogs were for. As far as trying to figure out what it actually was, really did me no good because I only had made one attempt, and did not quite understand what exactly a blog was. Anyway, I just recently found out that a website that I tend to go on every now and then is actually considered a blog. It's basically about the celebrity makeovers, and it's website which I just found after having a hard time is: http://makeovers.ivillage.com/new-look/0,,9lk1rtvx,00.html. I find this site quite interesting and entertaining because of the comparisons of the many different looks that celebrities had from back in the day to the present. Some made drastic changes in their appearance, you probably would not recognize them, well no, actually I'm lying because who wouldn't recognize a celebrity visiting their town, but anyway, the point is that they just look different from when they first stepped into stardom. Lol Definitely check it out if you're curious, you might even see one of your own favorite celebrities in either a cool or wicked look. Enjoy!!!
I just checked out the website you listed in your post, it's very interesting though Istill need more time to figure out what is it about and how to play.
ReplyDeleteI'm right there with ya! I didn't even know what a blog was until like now haha. I just thought they were kind of stupid until I actually started one of my own. Hahah now I think they are actually pretty interesting because you can find blogs about anything! And that site you put in your post is so cool, I totally love looking at all the changes celebrities go through.
ReplyDeleteI really like celebrity gossip blogs, and think they are usually pretty funny. I've never been on that site. Maybe I'll give it a try!